PVMI Services


Prophets Stephen and Rita Fedele have been in trans-local ministry for 25 years serving the church in many nations and have great expectations with the launching of the Prophetic Consultation Service. This comes out of a call and desire to be an aid to senior pastors, leaders and the people of God through the Apostolic and Prophetic gift offices found in Eph. 4:11. The Lord has entrusted them to encourage and edify the Body of Christ, confirming His word; to plan, give direction, vision and strategy. At times, the Lord has led them to bring correction in love. 

The Fedeles have had the privilege of co- laboring with pastors and senior leadership and have been a part of many churches and individuals’ lives as they are entering into and thriving in their destinies. References and testimonies can be found on the PVM website from apostles and senior pastors who have voiced their appreciation and noted how this ministry has helped their people and church.


In this age of technology, the Fedele's believe that Paul’s prayer in Romans 1: 8-11 was answered. There have been pivotal moments when historical developments have led to great opportunities for the Gospel to be spread through the Church to the whole world. For Paul and his disciples, they traveled on foot or used what was available in their day; but consider the development of the printing press in the 15th Century and how the Bible was made available to the common people. This changed everything. 

Paul’s prayer for the Romans 1:10-11 (ESV) was that they were “always in my (his) prayers, asking that somehow by God's will I may now at last succeed in coming to you. For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you.” 

The word succeed in that verse means “to help on the road, to successfully reach you by a direct and easier way.” 


In Romans 1:8 Paul states, “Your faith is proclaimed in all the world” Think of today how simple worldwide connections have become and progressed through the Internet. Paul continues in verse 12, that getting together was important. It had the purpose of the saints mutually encouraging each other's faith.

Mark 16:15 “He (Jesus} said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.’ ” Leaving the borders of a building and using modern communication methods, we can communicate readily and mutually encourage each other. That is the Fedele's hope as they enter into another phase of ministry with Prophetic Consultation Services, the International Prophetic School, the International School of Ministry and S.W.A.T.
Prophets Stephen and Rita, very much look forward to the opportunity of serving and ministering to you in this capacity.

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